Τhe idea that sound and music can affect various aspects of our everyday experiences is by no means novel. If you think about it, we commonly turn to music to regulate our mood accordingly during the day, to boost performance while exercising, to help us socialise at a party, etc. However, the concept that sound and music can be further used to influence our sensory experiences is novel indeed. Research has shown that no single sense is perceived independently from the rest. Instead, the human brain combines all the available sensory information when forming an overall experience, a phenomenon known as multimodal perception. The field of sensory science has already provided ample evidence regarding how taste and smell are influenced by concurrent sound exposure. You can have a look below if you are interested in more details about how sound and music may affect the flavour and aromas of wine, beer, chocolate, etc.

Multisensory experiences and coffee

McGurk Effect

The rubber hand illusion

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Burzynska, J., Wang, Q. J., Spence, C., & Bastian, S. E. P. (2019). Taste the bass: low frequencies increase the perception of body and aromatic intensity in red wine. Multisensory research, 32, 429-454.
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Deroy, O., Crisinel, A. S., & Spence, C. (2013). Crossmodal correspondences between odors and contingent features: odors, musical notes, and geometrical shapes. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 20, 878-896.
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Spence, C. (2021). Sonic Seasoning and Other Multisensory Influences on the Coffee Drinking Experience. Frontiers in Computer Science, 3, 21.
Spence, C., & Wang, Q. J. (2015a). Wine and music (I): on the crossmodal matching of wine and music. Flavour, 4, 1-14.
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